
Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00

98 Houghton Dr, Houghton Estate,


Gauteng, 2192

+27 (0) 11 057 6661



Focus Areas

Strengthening community structures and systems

Strengthen the capacity of civil society organisations, and structures in response to epidemics.


Best Health provides training and mentoring aimed at developing and strengthening the capacity of individuals and community organisations. These training and mentoring sessions are done onsite, virtual, and in clusters to empower participants to manage and deliver health programs in an effective, accountable and sustainable manner. We provide both accredited and non-accredited training courses. We also strengthen community organisations with the technical capacity to ensure that their systems are fully equipped to provide efficient health services and referral linkages for people living with HIV, key populations, and other priority populations.


Provision of health and social services in communities

Increase engagement, collaboration and advocacy with key and vulnerable populations in the development and implementation of social and health support services.


Addressing the unique and specific challenges faced by key and vulnerable populations is important in curbing the spread of HIV, TB, and STI; hence we offer differentiated and direct services tailored for the specific key population groups. Peer-involved and/or peer-led psychosocial support, information sharing, adherence support and risk-reduction counselling are central to our service offerings. Such activities are paralleled and pivoted by community-led engagements that prioritise key population group representation at the national, provincial, district and local levels.


Integrate research and innovation in service delivery

Support the implementation of and development of evidence-based interventions.


To strengthen community-based monitoring systems, we undertake granular, targeted, and adapted HIV, TB, STI, COVID-19 and related programming that is based on improved surveillance, and localized assessment of risks and vulnerabilities, to ensure access to services and outcomes. For quality improvement, we rely on  collecting and reporting  disaggregated data on services and programmes delivered. This is done to continuously leverage and adapt existing data collection techniques and methods  to respond to different project needs, contexts or sectors and  monitor and better support people living with HIV in fragile and humanitarian contexts.


The Best Health Solutions is a non-profit organisation whose broad purview is to identify gaps in communities, companies, and government departments in order to fill those gaps by applying feasible cutting-edge practical solutions


Contact Info

98 Houghton Dr, Houghton Estate,


Gauteng, 2192

+27 (0) 11 057 6661

Fax: +27 (0) 86 598 5221

Mon - Fri 08:00 - 17:00

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